
They call me Zartec. I’ve meddled with the mini squares of colour, the pixels, for the last 2 years and have loved every moment.

While small in size, each pixel carries an enormous potential. Compiled, they transform into breath-taking pixel art that transports you to other dimensions.

Brace yourself and prepare to journey through my orbit, as you discover my two-year voyage through the realm of pixel art.

Some Art

Some Art

Some Art

get yours now!

Don’t just stand there and watch. Step into the pixel cosmos lens and join the fun. Get updates, sneak-peeks, insights and let’s conquer the pixelated world together.

Don’t just stand there and watch. Step into the pixel cosmos lens and join the fun. Get updates, sneak-peeks, insights and let’s conquer the pixelated world together.

Dm me on Discord or Twitter

Dm me on Discord or Twitter

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© 2024 by Zartec. Any infringement of these pixels will summon an intergalactic lawsuit.

Generated on: Saturday, January 20, 2024